Wednesday, December 3, 2014

‪#‎CrowdFunding‬ project for acid attach victims

Most of you don't have money to donate and this is absolutely fine with us. We have started a cafe managed by my ‪#‎AcidAttack‬ fighter friends and didn't ask for support from Corporate or Government. With your support the Cafe Sheroes Hangout is almost ready. We are looking for some back-up funds to ensure that we don't fail in the business and idea. Now, only 6 days are left in our ‪#‎CrowdFunding‬ project.
If every supporter of ‪#‎StopAcidAttacks‬ campaign can promise to ‪#‎SHARE‬ this post on their timeline, we are quite sure that we will raise the required funds. Please help us in reaching to our target.
Share this link:

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